Morning has Broken

peaceful trees green leave s 1

It is such a peaceful place; out in the leafy greens of the outdoors among the tall trees of my neighborhood retreat. It is quiet up here. It is early morning. The songbirds that make their homes in these very same trees sing optimistic songs to greet the day.

I do not see another soul. The sun is bright but dappled. Shapes dance across the green leaves. It is almost mesmerizing. The light of early day has a certain quality and the atmosphere a certain hopefulness that comes with the newness of a day.

peaceful trees leaves

Green, the color of life is such a peaceful, soothing color. It is also the color of intelligence and creative energies. Humans respond to green and nature in general.  Being exposed to elements of the natural world calm us. It is widely known there is an energy and wisdom in nature.

Peaceful green serene leaves

 I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.”
e. e. Cummings





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 PEACE TRAIN by Cat Stevens

Tree People  ( ( website about TREES)

Morning Has Broken (

15 thoughts on “Morning has Broken

  1. Such beautiful photos! If I get time this week I will hang up the hammock and stare up at a similar green canopy. It’s certainly calming. Thanks Nancy! 😀

  2. I love looking up into the green of these photographs, knowing that you saw this same green goodness with your own eyes. This is a lovely vision and I thank you for sharing it with me, my friend.

    • Oh Janet, you have such a positive spirit. I am blessed to know you! I hope your weekend is going well. I regret it has taken me so long to respond. I have been taking a break from blogging and the computer in general. I didn’t mean for it to be a break from you. You are wonderful. thanks for stopping by my friend.

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